National Anthems of the World

Lyrics, history and anecdotes

🇨🇬 Congo

The national anthem of Congo is called: « La Congolaise ».

Continent: Africa

Bordering Countries:
🇨🇲 Cameroon
🇨🇫 Central African Republic
🇨🇩 Congo (Democratic Republic of)
🇬🇦 Gabon

History of « La Congolaise »

« La Congolaise » (The Congolese) is the national anthem of the Republic of the Congo. The anthem reflects the country’s rich cultural heritage, its journey to independence, and the unity of its people.

Key Dates and People

  • 1959: The lyrics of the anthem were written by Jacques Tondra and Georges Kibanghi, two Congolese poets.
  • 1959: The music was composed by Jean Royer and Joseph Spadilière, French musicians.
  • 1959: The anthem was officially adopted on November 15, 1959, shortly before the Republic of the Congo gained independence from French colonial rule on August 15, 1960.


  • Pre-Independence Adoption: « La Congolaise » was adopted as the national anthem in 1959, a year before the country officially gained independence. This early adoption was a symbol of the country’s aspirations for freedom and unity.
  • Composer’s Influence: The collaboration between Congolese lyricists and French composers highlights the transitional period from colonial rule to independence. The anthem’s creation involved both local and foreign influences, reflecting the complex history of the nation.
  • Cultural Significance: « La Congolaise » is performed at national celebrations, official ceremonies, and sporting events, reinforcing its role in uniting the Congolese people and celebrating their heritage. The anthem’s stirring lyrics and melody inspire a sense of unity and pride among Congolese.

Lyrics Excerpt

In French

Debout, Congolais,
Unis par le sort,
Unis dans l'effort pour l'indépendance,
Dressons nos fronts, longtemps courbés,
Et pour de bon prenons le plus bel élan, dans la paix.

Ô peuple ardent et fier,
Prenons l'élan sacré vers l'avenir,
Pour de bon prenons le plus bel élan, dans la paix.

Soudés par l'effort, dans l'unité,
Respectant le droit, dans la paix,
Soudés par l'effort et dans l'unité,
Respectant le droit, nous bâtirons un pays plus beau qu'avant,
Dans la paix.

Translated in English

Arise, Congolese,
United by fate,
United in the effort for independence,
Let us raise our heads, long bowed,
And for good, let us take the greatest leap, in peace.

O ardent and proud people,
Let us take the sacred leap towards the future,
For good, let us take the greatest leap, in peace.

United in effort, in unity,
Respecting the law, in peace,
United in effort and in unity,
Respecting the law, we will build a country more beautiful than before,
In peace.
