National Anthems of the World

Lyrics, history and anecdotes

🇨🇷 Costa Rica

The national anthem of Costa Rica is called: « Noble patria, tu hermosa bandera ».

Continent: America

Bordering Countries:
🇳🇮 Nicaragua
🇵🇦 Panama

History of « Noble patria, tu hermosa bandera »

« Noble patria, tu hermosa bandera » (Noble Homeland, Your Beautiful Flag) is the national anthem of Costa Rica. The anthem reflects the country’s rich cultural heritage, its peaceful history, and the unity of its people.

Key Dates and People

  • 1852: The music for the anthem was composed by Manuel María Gutiérrez, a Costa Rican musician, in response to a request from the government for a national anthem to welcome foreign diplomats.
  • 1852: The original lyrics were written by José María Zeledón Brenes, a Costa Rican poet and journalist, and were officially adopted in 1852.
  • 1853: The anthem was first performed publicly on June 11, 1853, during a visit by U.S. and British diplomats.


  • Diplomatic Origins: The anthem was initially composed to welcome foreign diplomats visiting Costa Rica. Manuel María Gutiérrez was asked to compose the music on short notice, and he completed it in just a few days.
  • Peaceful Nation: Unlike many national anthems that emphasize military victories, Costa Rica’s anthem reflects the country’s peaceful history and commitment to democracy and education. This is in line with Costa Rica’s decision to abolish its military in 1949.
  • Cultural Significance: « Noble patria, tu hermosa bandera » is performed at national celebrations, official ceremonies, and sporting events, reinforcing its role in uniting the Costa Rican people and celebrating their heritage. The anthem’s stirring lyrics and melody inspire a sense of unity and pride among Costa Ricans.

Lyrics Excerpt

In Spanish

Noble patria, tu hermosa bandera
expresión de tu vida nos da;
bajo el límpido azul de tu cielo
blanca y pura descansa la paz.

En la lucha tenaz, de fecunda labor
que enrojece del hombre la faz,
conquistaron tus hijos, labriegos sencillos,
eterno prestigio, estima y honor.

¡Salve, oh tierra gentil!
¡Salve, oh madre de amor!
Cuando alguno pretenda tu gloria manchar,
verás a tu pueblo, valiente y viril,
la tosca herramienta en arma trocar.

Translated in English

Noble homeland, your beautiful flag
gives us the expression of your life;
under the clear blue of your sky
white and pure rests peace.

In the tenacious struggle, of fruitful labor
that reddens the man's face,
your children, simple farm workers, conquered
eternal prestige, esteem, and honor.

Hail, oh gentle land!
Hail, oh mother of love!
When someone tries to tarnish your glory,
you will see your people, brave and virile,
turn the rustic tool into a weapon.
