National Anthems of the World

Lyrics, history and anecdotes

🇭🇳 Honduras

The national anthem of Honduras is called: « Himno Nacional de Honduras ».

Continent: America

Bordering Countries:
🇸🇻 El Salvador
🇬🇹 Guatemala
🇳🇮 Nicaragua

History of « Himno Nacional de Honduras »

« Himno Nacional de Honduras » (National Anthem of Honduras) is the national anthem of Honduras. The anthem reflects the country’s rich cultural heritage, its struggles for independence, and the unity of its people.

Key Dates and People

  • 1915: The lyrics of the anthem were written by Augusto Constantino Coello, a Honduran poet and diplomat.
  • 1915: The music was composed by Carlos Hartling, a German-born musician who settled in Honduras.
  • 1915: The anthem was officially adopted on November 15, 1915, by the Honduran government.


  • International Influence: Carlos Hartling, the composer, was originally from Germany. He moved to Honduras and became deeply involved in the country’s cultural life. His composition for the anthem is considered one of his most significant contributions to Honduran music.
  • Patriotic Inspiration: Augusto Constantino Coello wrote the lyrics inspired by the history and struggles of Honduras, emphasizing themes of freedom, bravery, and national pride. The anthem’s lyrics recount the history of the country from pre-Columbian times to independence.
  • Cultural Significance: « Himno Nacional de Honduras » is performed at national celebrations, official ceremonies, and sporting events, reinforcing its role in uniting the Honduran people and celebrating their heritage. The anthem’s stirring lyrics and melody inspire a sense of unity and pride among Hondurans.

Lyrics Excerpt

In Spanish

Tu bandera, tu bandera es un lampo de cielo
por un bloque, por un bloque de nieve cruzado;
y se ven en su fondo sagrado
cinco estrellas, cinco estrellas de pálido azul;
en tu emblema, en tu emblema, que un mar rumoroso
con sus ondas, con sus ondas bravías escuda,
de un volcán, de un volcán tras la cima desnuda
hay un astro, hay un astro de nítida luz.

India virgen y hermosa dormías
de tus mares al canto sonoro,
cuando echada en tus cuencas de oro
el audaz navegante te halló;
y al mirar tu belleza extasiado,
al influjo ideal de tu encanto,
la orla azul de tu espléndido manto
con un beso de amor consagró.

Translated in English

Your flag, your flag is a splendor of sky
crossed by a block, by a block of snow;
and in its sacred background
five stars, five stars of pale blue are seen;
in your emblem, in your emblem, which a roaring sea
with its brave, with its brave waves shields,
from a volcano, from a volcano behind the bare summit
there is a star, there is a star of clear light.

Virgin and beautiful India, you slept
to the sonorous song of your seas,
when, cast in your golden basins,
the bold navigator found you;
and upon seeing your beauty in ecstasy,
under the ideal influence of your charm,
the blue border of your splendid mantle
he consecrated with a kiss of love.
