National Anthems of the World

Lyrics, history and anecdotes

🇲🇳 Mongolia

The national anthem of Mongolia is called: « Mongol Ulsyn Töriin Duulal ».

Continent: Asia

Bordering Countries:
🇨🇳 China
🇷🇺 Russian Federation

History of « Mongol Ulsyn Töriin Duulal »

« Mongol Ulsyn Töriin Duulal » (The National Anthem of Mongolia) is the national anthem of Mongolia. The anthem reflects the country’s rich cultural heritage, its independence, and the unity of its people.

Key Dates and People

  • 1950: The original lyrics of the anthem were written by Tsendiin Damdinsüren, a prominent Mongolian poet. The music was composed by Bilegiin Damdinsüren and Luvsanjambyn Mördorj, both renowned Mongolian composers.
  • 2006: The lyrics were revised to include references to Genghis Khan and other historical figures, reflecting a renewed sense of national pride and historical continuity. The revised anthem was officially adopted in 2006.


  • Historical References: The 2006 revision of the anthem’s lyrics included references to Genghis Khan, the founder of the Mongol Empire, and other historical figures. This change was made to emphasize Mongolia’s rich historical legacy and to inspire national pride.
  • Cultural Reflection: The anthem’s lyrics celebrate the natural beauty of Mongolia, the resilience of its people, and their commitment to building a prosperous and independent nation. It reflects the deep connection of the Mongolian people to their land and their pride in their cultural heritage.
  • Cultural Significance: « Mongol Ulsyn Töriin Duulal » is performed at national celebrations, official ceremonies, and sporting events, reinforcing its role in uniting the Mongolian people and celebrating their heritage. The anthem’s stirring lyrics and melody inspire a sense of unity and pride among Mongolian citizens.

Lyrics Excerpt

In Mongolian

Дархан манай тусгаар улс
Даяар Монголын ариун голомт
Дайснаас хамгаалж олноо жаргуулсан
Дандаа энхжин бат оршиг

Хамаг дэлхийн шударга улстай
Хамтран нэгдсэн эвээ бэхжүүлж
Хатан зориг, эрдэм төгс
Хөдөлмөрч буурал ард түмэн

Зоригт Монголын золтой заяаг
Золбоо хийморьтой мандуулж яваа
Зорьсон үйлсээ бүтээж явъя
Зол жаргалтай оршигсод минь

In English (translation)

Our sacred independent country,
The ancestral hearth of all Mongols,
May the strength and spirit of our ancestors
Protect and prosper us forever.

With all just nations of the world,
Let us strengthen our bonds of unity and cooperation,
With courage and knowledge,
Our hardworking, noble people.

May the blessed destiny of our brave Mongolia
Shine with glory and happiness,
Let us fulfill our aspirations,
And live in joy and prosperity.
