National Anthems of the World

Lyrics, history and anecdotes

🇫🇮 Finland

The national anthem of Finland is called: « Maamme ».

Continent: Europe

Bordering Countries:
🇳🇴 Norway
🇷🇺 Russian Federation
🇸🇪 Sweden

History of « Maamme »

« Maamme » (Our Land) is the national anthem of Finland. The anthem reflects the country’s natural beauty, cultural heritage, and the deep sense of national pride and independence of the Finnish people.

Key Dates and People

  • 1848: The lyrics of « Maamme » were written by Johan Ludvig Runeberg, a Finnish-Swedish poet, and were originally published in Swedish under the title « Vårt land. »
  • 1848: The music for the anthem was composed by Fredrik Pacius, a German-Finnish composer, and was first performed at the Flora Day celebration in Helsinki.
  • 1917: Following Finland’s declaration of independence from Russia, « Maamme » was adopted as the national anthem of the newly independent Republic of Finland.


  • Bilingual Anthem: Finland is a bilingual country with both Finnish and Swedish as official languages. The anthem is often sung in both languages, reflecting the country’s linguistic diversity and cultural heritage.
  • Shared Melody: The melody of « Maamme » is shared with the national anthem of Estonia, « Mu isamaa, mu õnn ja rõõm, » which was also composed by Fredrik Pacius. This shared melody underscores the cultural and historical connections between Finland and Estonia.
  • Cultural Significance: « Maamme » is performed at national celebrations, official ceremonies, and sporting events, reinforcing its role in uniting the Finnish people and celebrating their heritage.

Lyrics Excerpt

In Finnish

Oi maamme, Suomi, synnyinmaa,
soi, sana kultainen!
Ei laaksoa, ei kukkulaa,
ei vettä, rantaa rakkaampaa
kuin kotimaa tää pohjoinen,
maa kallis isien.

Sun kukoistukses kuorestaan
kerrankin puhkeaa;
viel' lempemme saa nousemaan
sun toivos, riemus loistossaan,
ja kerran laulus, synnyinmaa,
korkeemman kaiun saa.

In English (translation)

Our land, our land, our fatherland,
Sound loud, O name of worth!
No mount that meets the heaven's band,
No hidden vale, no wave-washed strand,
Is loved, as is our native North,
Our own forefathers' earth.

Thy blossom, in the bud laid low,
Yet ripened shall upspring.
See! From our love once more shall grow
Thy light, thy joy, thy hope, thy glow!
And clearer yet one day shall ring
The song our land shall sing.
