National Anthems of the World

Lyrics, history and anecdotes

🇲🇩 Moldova (Republic of)

The national anthem of Moldova is called: « Limba noastră ».

Continent: Europe

Bordering Countries:
🇷🇴 Romania
🇺🇦 Ukraine

History of « Limba noastră »

« Limba noastră » (Our Language) is the national anthem of Moldova. The anthem celebrates the Romanian language and reflects the country’s cultural heritage, national pride, and the enduring spirit of its people.

Key Dates and People

  • 1917: The lyrics of « Limba noastră » were written by Alexei Mateevici, a Moldovan poet and priest, during a period of national awakening.
  • 1994: The music for the anthem was composed by Alexandru Cristea, a Moldovan composer and conductor. « Limba noastră » was officially adopted as the national anthem of Moldova, replacing the previous anthem « Deșteaptă-te, române! »


  • Cultural Renaissance: Alexei Mateevici wrote the poem « Limba noastră » during a time of cultural renaissance in Moldova. The poem emphasizes the importance of the Romanian language as a cornerstone of national identity and cultural heritage.
  • Soviet Era: During the Soviet occupation, the Romanian language and cultural expressions were suppressed. The adoption of « Limba noastră » as the national anthem in 1994 marked a return to Moldova’s cultural roots and a celebration of its linguistic heritage.
  • Cultural Significance: « Limba noastră » is performed at national celebrations, official ceremonies, and sporting events, reinforcing its role in uniting the Moldovan people and celebrating their heritage. The anthem’s solemn and reverent tone captures the resilience and spirit of the nation.

Lyrics Excerpt

In Romanian

Limba noastră-i o comoară
În adâncuri înfundată
Un șirag de piatră rară
Pe moșie revărsată.

Limba noastră-i foc ce arde
Într-un neam, ce fără veste
S-a trezit din somn de moarte
Ca viteazul din poveste.

Limba noastră-i numai cântec,
Doina dorurilor noastre,
Roi de fulgere, ce spintec
Nouri negri, zări albastre.

Limba noastră-i graiul pâinii,
Când de vânt se mișcă vara;
În rostirea ei bătrânii
Cu sudori sfințit-au țara.

In English (translation)

Our language is a treasure
Buried deep within our past,
A string of precious stones
Scattered over our land.

Our language is a burning flame
In a people who, without warning,
Awoke from the sleep of death
Like the hero from a legend.

Our language is only song,
The doina of our longings,
A swarm of flashes that split
Black clouds and blue horizons.

Our language is the voice of bread,
When the summer winds are blowing;
In its words, our ancestors
Sanctified the land with their sweat.
