National Anthems of the World

Lyrics, history and anecdotes

🇲🇪 Montenegro

The national anthem of Montenegro is called: « Oj, svijetla majska zoro ».

Continent: Europe

Bordering Countries:
🇦🇱 Albania
🇧🇦 Bosnia & Herzegovina
🇭🇷 Croatia
🇽🇰 Kosovo
🇷🇸 Serbia

History of « Oj, svijetla majska zoro »

« Oj, svijetla majska zoro » (Oh, Bright Dawn of May) is the national anthem of Montenegro. The anthem reflects the country’s rich history, cultural heritage, and the enduring spirit of its people.

Key Dates and People

  • 1937: The lyrics of « Oj, svijetla majska zoro » were written by Sekula Drljević, a Montenegrin politician and writer. The music is based on a traditional Montenegrin folk song.
  • 2004: « Oj, svijetla majska zoro » was officially adopted as the national anthem of Montenegro following the country’s move towards independence from the State Union of Serbia and Montenegro.
  • 2006: Montenegro declared its independence from Serbia, and the anthem was reaffirmed as the national anthem of the newly independent state.


  • Traditional Roots: The melody of the anthem is derived from a traditional Montenegrin folk song, which underscores the deep cultural roots and historical continuity of the Montenegrin people.
  • Controversial Author: Sekula Drljević, the author of the lyrics, is a controversial figure in Montenegrin history due to his political activities during World War II. Despite this, the anthem has been embraced as a symbol of national unity and pride.
  • Cultural Significance: « Oj, svijetla majska zoro » is performed at national celebrations, official ceremonies, and sporting events, reinforcing its role in uniting the Montenegrin people and celebrating their heritage. The anthem’s stirring lyrics and melody inspire a sense of unity and pride among Montenegrins.

Lyrics Excerpt

In Montenegrin

Oj, svijetla majska zoro,
Majko naša Crna Goro,
Sinovi smo tvog stijenja
I čuvari tvog poštenja.

Volimo vas, brda tvrda,
I rijeke i plavo more,
Gdje si, vječna, lijepa, mila,
Domovino Crna Goro!

Ponosna si, uvijek bila,
S tobom slavna, junačka,
Kroz vjekove Crna Goro,
Majko naša, majko mila!

In English (translation)

Oh, bright dawn of May,
Our mother Montenegro,
We are your sons of the rocks
And keepers of your honesty.

We love your rugged mountains,
And rivers and the blue sea,
Where you are eternal, beautiful, beloved,
Our homeland Montenegro!

You have always been proud,
With you, glorious and heroic,
Through the centuries, Montenegro,
Our mother, our dear mother!
