National Anthems of the World

Lyrics, history and anecdotes

🇪🇸 Spain

The national anthem of Spain is called: « La Marcha Real ».

Continent: Europe

Bordering Countries:
🇦🇩 Andorra
🇫🇷 France
🇵🇹 Portugal

History of « La Marcha Real »

« La Marcha Real » (The Royal March) is the national anthem of Spain. It is one of the few national anthems in the world that has no official lyrics. Its origins date back to the 18th century, and it has been a symbol of Spanish identity and unity through various political regimes.

Key Dates and People

  • 1761: The earliest known version of « La Marcha Real » appears in a document called « Libro de Ordenanza de los toques militares de la Infantería Española » (Book of Military Regulations for Spanish Infantry), attributed to Manuel de Espinosa de los Monteros. It was initially a military march.
  • 1770: King Charles III declared « La Marcha Real » the official march of Spain, solidifying its status as a national symbol.
  • 1870: During the reign of King Amadeo I, the anthem was briefly replaced by « Himno de Riego, » but « La Marcha Real » was reinstated after his abdication.
  • 1931-1939: During the Second Spanish Republic, « La Marcha Real » was replaced by « Himno de Riego » once again. It was restored after the Spanish Civil War when Francisco Franco came to power.
  • 1978: The Spanish Constitution of 1978 reaffirmed « La Marcha Real » as the national anthem of Spain.


  • No Official Lyrics: Unlike most national anthems, « La Marcha Real » has no official lyrics. Various attempts have been made to add lyrics, but none have been officially adopted. This has led to the anthem being known for its distinctive instrumental melody.
  • Olympic Controversy: During the 2008 Beijing Olympics, Spanish athletes were given a version of the anthem with unofficial lyrics to sing along to, but this was met with mixed reactions and highlighted the ongoing debate about whether the anthem should have official lyrics.
  • Franco’s Influence: Under Franco’s regime, unofficial lyrics glorifying the dictator were sometimes sung to the tune of « La Marcha Real. » These lyrics were never officially recognized and are not used today.


Instrumental (No Official Lyrics)

« Marcha Real » is an instrumental anthem and does not have official lyrics. However, there have been several unofficial versions over the years.

Unofficial Lyrics (Historical)

¡Viva España!
Alzad la frente, hijos
del pueblo español,
que vuelve a resurgir.

Gloria a la Patria
que supo seguir,
sobre el azul del mar,
el caminar del sol.

English (Translation of Unofficial Lyrics)

Long live Spain!
Raise your brow, sons
of the Spanish people,
who are returning to rise again.

Glory to the Fatherland
that knew how to follow,
over the blue of the sea,
the path of the sun.
